Discover the Way to a Permanent Cure for Heartburn

Let me ask you something. Do you frequently have heartburn? Are you awakening in the middle of the night with a burning feeling going through you? Is this familiar to you?

Heartburn, acid reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are common gastrointestinal issues that can disrupt daily life and cause us discomfort. If you’ve been struggling with these problems, you know how challenging it can be to find lasting relief. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of heartburn and GERD, and discover a permanent solution that can change your life for the better.

Understanding Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and GERD


Heartburn, also known as GERD, is a frequent symptom of acid reflux, when you feel a burning feeling in your chest.
This problem can make it challenging to digest meals normally, and it may result in a persistent sore throat, as well as a severe pain and nausea, especially at night when you lay down to sleep.

Millions of people worldwide suffer from these conditions, affecting their sleep, diet, and overall quality of life.

The Role of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES)

Your stomach naturally produces a lot of stomach acid, which is crucial since it’s used to digest and break down the food you ingest.
The LES Sphincter, a tiny muscle-filled valve located just above your stomach and at the base of your food pipe, is what gives your body its shape.
When you eat, this expands, letting food to enter your stomach.
In order to stop stomach acid from splashing up into your food pipe and your throat for the remainder of the time, the valve is required to constrict tightly and remain closed.

Unfortunately, this little valve frequently weakens and becomes floppy in a lot of people, stopping it from shutting and keeping the throat open during swallowing.
As a result, digestive enzymes and stomach acids might begin to flick upward and regurgitate into your food pipe and throat.

Due to the ease with which the acid flows back up the pipe when you lie down, this results in a burning feeling in your chest beneath the breastbone.

We know from studies and personal experience that the incorrect amount of stomach acid is what causes acid reflux.
Naturally, stomach acid should range from 1-3 on the pH Scale, which is quite acidic.
However, if it gets too alkaline (4+), the little LES valve pops open, allowing acid to reflux into your food pipe.

Factors That Weaken the LES

Various factors contribute to the weakening of the LES, including obesity, smoking, and certain medications. Understanding these triggers can help in managing symptoms effectively.


Just a friendly reminder that this article is just meant to be informative; if you have any medical issues, please consult your doctor.


Natural Remedies for Heartburn


Herbs can be wonderful allies in promoting gut health and maintaining a happy tummy. Here are some fantastic herbs that have been traditionally used for supporting digestive wellness:
  1. Peppermint: This refreshing herb is known for its soothing properties on the digestive tract. Peppermint can help relax the muscles in the gastrointestinal system, alleviating bloating and discomfort.
  2. Ginger: Ah, the zesty superstar! Ginger is a fantastic herb for promoting healthy digestion. Consider chewing on a fresh slice of ginger root or ginger tea.Strong phenolic chemicals found in ginger root calm stomach lining and food pipe tissues to reduce inflammation brought on by stomach acid. If you like, you can purchase capsules containing dried ginger powder and consume 1-2 of them after meals to help avoid acid reflux.
  3. Fennel: With its subtle licorice-like flavor, fennel has been cherished for centuries as a digestive aid. It can help with bloating, gas, and indigestion, making it a great choice after a hearty meal.
  4. Chamomile: This mild plant soothes the stomach as well as the mind. Chamomile is excellent for calming upset stomachs since it may decrease inflammation and soothe the digestive system.
  5. Slippery Elm: Native Americans have long used slippery elm for its medicinal properties. It forms a soothing gel-like substance when mixed with water, which can coat and protect the gastrointestinal lining.
  6. Dandelion Root: though sometimes seen as an obtrusive plant, is actually a hidden treasure for intestinal health. It helps digestion, promotes liver function, and has mild laxative properties.
  7. Turmeric: The golden spice! Turmeric contains curcumin, a potent compound known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can help soothe gut inflammation and promote a healthy digestive system.
  8. Licorice Root: Sweet and beneficial! Licorice root can help with heartburn, acid reflux, and inflammation. However, it’s essential to use deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) to avoid potential side effects from the glycyrrhizin compound.
  9. Marshmallow root: known scientifically as Althaea officinalis, is a herb with a long history of medicinal use dating back to ancient civilizations. Traditionally valued for its soothing and healing properties, marshmallow root has been recognized as a potent remedy for various health issues, particularly when it comes to gut health.


Apple cider vinegar

The most popular natural treatment for indigestion, heartburn, and digestive issues is apple cider vinegar.
Drink a large glass of water with a straw and 1 tablespoon of organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar before each meal.

This includes acetic acid, which helps to balance the pH in your stomach, improving food digestion and preventing GERD and acid reflux.

Acetic acid is a form of SCFA that nourishes and gives energy to the cells in your colon so that you may correctly digest food and absorb vitamins and minerals.

Apple cider vinegar is often considered as the simplest and most efficient treatment for acid reflux. If, however, your throat or food pipe is very irritated, you may wish to take 2-3 apple cider vinegar capsules before each meal.


Probiotics are living, beneficial bacteria and yeasts that reside in the large intestine and aid in proper food digestion as well as the production of brain chemicals like acetylcholine.

The stomach is referred to as a “second brain” in this context, or the gut-brain axis.
The LES valve, which is located above your stomach, is opened and closed by neurons that are stimulated by these microorganisms’ production of acetylcholine, to make it such that it opens while you eat and shuts when you finish.

Since they serve to maintain the entire system healthy and functioning regularly, having a large population of friendly microorganisms in your gut reduces your risk of developing autoimmune illnesses, gastritis, IBS, SIBO, ulcers, reflux, and indigestion.

Because antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, artificial sweeteners, and junk food may quickly kill friendly bacteria, many individuals unfortunately do not have enough of them, which can cause acid reflux.

Start regularly consuming fermented foods like pickles, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut.
These foods are a good source of probiotics, which can help your digestive system repair and enhance your general health.
If you like, you may also immediately improve your microbiome by taking a liquid probiotic pill and consuming it with a glass of water.

L-carnosine of zinc

The body needs zinc, an important mineral, to repair tissues, particularly the epithelial cells that line the interior of your body.
A cure for stomach ulcers known as zinc L-carnosine was created by the Japanese and has been used for 30 years.
Additionally, it works wonders to treat ulcers and other types of injury to your stomach, intestines, or food pipe.
It functions by reestablishing the digestive system’s natural protective mucus barrier, which aids in self-healing and restoration.

In general, zinc helps to stop the proliferation of dangerous bacteria like H-pylori in your stomach.
If you like, you can consume 75 mg of zinc L-carnosine daily as a supplement.
Since zinc is a necessary mineral (11 mg for males and 8 mg for women), I also advise consuming it from wholesome food sources like shellfish, grass-fed red meat, and pumpkin seeds.


Causes Of Acid Reflux

Stress: When you are under a lot of mental stress, your neurological system shuts off the functions of relaxation and digestion, which keeps the LES valve above your stomach open.

Grain & Vegetable Oil Consuming sugar, inflammatory vegetable oils, and processed cereals with gluten, which most people find irritates the stomach lining.

Lack of chloride and potassium The first and most typical reason is a lack of potassium and chlorides, which are minerals required by your body to produce adequate amounts of stomach acid.

Drugs for indigestion Although they are intended to be helpful, typical antacid drugs like PPIs, Tums, and H2 blockers actually neutralise your stomach acid, which causes reflux to worsen over time.

Painkillers & Antibiotics Last but not least, if you have a history of using antibiotics and other painkillers, they might disrupt your friendly bacteria and destroy the mucous layer in your stomach, which can cause acid reflux.

You may view our YouTube video as well about “The Gut Brain Connection”

Lifestyle Changes for Long-Term Relief

1. Start consuming raw, shredded cabbage every day. In a delectable salad, you may use red, purple, green, savoy cabbage, or sauerkraut.

Cabbage is high in glutamine, chlorophyll, and vitamin C, all of which assist to repair any damage that acid reflux may have done to the lining of your stomach, oesophagus, and intestines.

2. Stop using antacids, which neutralise your stomach’s essential acid.
Instead, take Apple Cider Vinegar or Betaine HCL before every meal. These help to naturally improve digestion and shut the valve to stop GERD or acid reflux.
They also allow you to absorb more vitamins and minerals by restoring the pH balance in your stomach.

3. Start seasoning your foods with Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt. This gives you chlorides, namely sodium chloride, which helps your stomach produce HCL.

Additionally, you should consume foods high in potassium, which stimulates the formation of stomach acid. Examples of such meals are avocados, leafy greens, wild salmon, beetroot tops, squash and Brussels sprouts.
To aid in digestion and aid in the breakdown of your meal, try to chew it more often.

4. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils including maize, soy and canola as well as bread, cereal, pasta and other baked goods.

Use satisfying natural meals like eggs from pastured hens, wild seafood, grass-fed meats, extra virgin olive oil, and steamed veggies for these processed items.

5. Drink a large glass of carbonated mineral water in the morning. Your digestive system will be hydrated, and the moderate acidity will support a stronger pH in your stomach.
Until your acid reflux is under control, limit your intake of tea and coffee.

6. You need to discover strategies to relax and bring this under control if you are always stressed out or have trouble falling asleep at night. Stress overstimulates your sympathetic nervous system.

To get enough of oxygen and relax your nervous system, try going for at least 45 minutes each day on a long, steady walk in the outdoors. Daily use of probiotic-rich foods will also aid in stress management and digestive system healing.

7. Maintaining a Healthy Weight. Keeping your weight in check doesn’t just benefit your digestive system; it has numerous positive effects on overall health. It reduces the risk of various health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.

Incorporating regular physical activity, adopting a balanced diet, and making healthy lifestyle choices can contribute to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight

8. Avoiding Foods and Habits That Are Triggers
Identifying and avoiding foods and behaviours that cause heartburn might help you manage your symptoms much better.


If you’ve been struggling with heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD, finding a permanent solution is essential for your well-being. While natural remedies and lifestyle changes can provide relief. Don’t ignore chronic acid reflux, as it can lead to severe complications. Seek professional advice and explore permanent treatments that can significantly improve your daily life.



1. Does milk relieve acid reflux?

Milk fat might make acid reflux symptoms worse. However, nonfat milk can temporarily obstruct the stomach lining from the stomach’s acidic contents and relieve heartburn symptoms right away.

2.How do you get rid of acid reflux at night?

As you sleep, lift your upper body. The level of your neck and stomach while you are lying flat in bed makes it simple for stomach acids to go up your esophagus and cause heartburn. …Put on comfortable clothing.
Avoid eating things that give you heartburn.

3.Why am I now experiencing acid reflux?

Heartburn can appear out of nowhere in those who have never before had it due to specific meals, eating patterns, alcohol consumption, and smoking. It can also be brought on by stress, anxiety, some drugs, and a few medical disorders.

4. Are herbal supplements safe for managing heartburn? 

Herbal supplements can be safe and effective for some individuals, but it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using them, especially if you’re taking other medications.

5. Can lifestyle changes alone provide a permanent solution for GERD?

In some cases, lifestyle changes can significantly reduce GERD symptoms, especially if you identify and avoid trigger foods and habits. However, for chronic and severe cases, surgical options may be necessary for a permanent solution.

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