About us

Hi there! I’m Marci, the passionate mind behind SN NATURAL. I’ve been a DIY enthusiast for as long as I can remember, and my heart is captivated by the wonders of herbs.

I’m certain that nature is the key to our vitality in the modern world when putting our health first is more important than ever. Together, let’s begin on an exciting journey as we investigate the enchanted world of herbs and their remarkable benefits.

What’s the goal? Learn the hidden benefits of herbs and how they might improve our daily life.

But that’s not all! Together, we’ll mix up nutritious DIY beauty products that pampered our skin, hair, and spirits. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to natural radiance!

And let’s not forget about our sense of taste! We’ll explore the world of nutritious meals and learn how herbs flavors and aromas can transform our meals into vibrant feasts of nourishment.

In addition to our herb-focused content, you’ll also find a range of tips and resources for overall health and wellness.

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a more natural and holistic approach to health and healing. If there is anything specific you would like to learn about, don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know.



Medical Disclaimer

This Blog is provided only for informational purposes; it does not represent medical advice. Always get medical attention from a qualified professional.

While synthetic drugs prescribed by allopathic medicine actively destroy bacteria and viruses, herbal medicine strengthens and regenerates the entire body and its individual systems so that it can heal itself.

Herbs improve and boost our body’s built-in defences and immunity.

Herbs are quite effective in treating common health issues like burns, colds, moderate fevers, wounds, minor injuries, small sprains, strained ligaments, and minor blood sprains. 

With good nutrition, enough rest, and the gentle natural therapies mentioned above, the majority of health problems, injuries, and situations of bodily imbalance can be resolved with natural remedies
the use of medicinal herbs as an adjunct to chemical drugs often helps to reduce or eliminate the side effects of these synthetic drugs.

Serious illnesses – always consult a doctor. In the event of an acute crisis or a life-threatening situation (myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.), understandably do not solve the situation with herbs and seek medical help or call an emergency medical service as soon as possible.